The "Estimate Order" endpoint is designed to enable users to simulate the execution of an order without actually committing to the trade. By providing the same parameters that would be used in a real order creation, users can receive a detailed projection of the execution.

Required Request Headers:

  • X-Signature: The required digital signature of the request.

Body Parameters:

  • contract: The symbol or numeric ID of the contract for which the order is being placed.
  • type: Specifies the type of order, such as limit or market"
  • limit_price: (Optional) The limit price for the order, applicable only if the order type is limit.
  • time_in_force: Defines how long the order remains valid before expiration. Options include "GTC" (Good Till Canceled), "IOC" (Immediate or Cancel), "FOK" (Fill or Kill), and "PO" (Post Only).
  • reduce_only: A boolean flag indicating whether the order should only reduce a position, not increase it.
  • quantity_steps: The size of the order expressed in the smallest tradable increments, always an integer. Only one quantity parameter should be provided.
  • quantity_contracts: The size of the order in terms of contracts. Only one quantity parameter should be provided.
  • quantity_assets: The size of the order in units of the underlying asset. Only one quantity parameter should be provided.


  • 201 Created: Successfully created order details including status, order ID, transaction hash, and associated events.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity: Order was rejected by the protocol.
  • 409 Conflict: A conflict occurred, typically due to an existing order with the same customer ID.

Each request to this endpoint costs 10 API credits.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!